By Watsausrname - 14/06/2016 02:31

Today, I was using the restroom at a gas station when someone hurriedly knocked on the door. Thinking that it was my sister, I playfully said, "Hold up, hoe!" I opened the door to see a goth woman with an edgy haircut giving me a death stare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 821
You deserved it 5 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've just laughed it off. Doesn't matter if it was my sister or not, hoes gotta hold up and wait for their turn.

She should probably take a chill pill if being called hoe in a gas station is worthy of a death glare.


She should probably take a chill pill if being called hoe in a gas station is worthy of a death glare.

ScarletteEve 33

She's an edgy goth, that's probably her resting expression.

I would've just laughed it off. Doesn't matter if it was my sister or not, hoes gotta hold up and wait for their turn.

Have you ever heard of shit recycle? I'm sure she interdouced it to you that time.

cootiequeen4444 11

I read it as interdouched and thought it had to do with this 'shit recycle'. Not that it made it make any more sense to me that is..

hoosiergirl94 31

Haha. I just watched all those movies this week

me and my best friend refer to each other in this term all the time and this does usually happen. No bother! it just makes for good stories later on!

Lmfaooo . bitches gots to wait their turn. Lol

lexiieeex3 32

Eh you'll never see them again, and who knows, maybe she's a goth hoe.

"You'll never see them, again." *show up to work the next day* "This is your new cube mate..."

Please explain to me the relevance of her subculture and hairstyle.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

To give the FML more detail. You always want to give your writing detail so the reader can imagine the scene.

sadpanda888 12

Not an edgy haircut too! How scary!!