By a manly woman? - 09/02/2009 23:57 - United States

Today, a girl entered the public washroom I was washing my hands in. When she saw me, she stopped dead in her tracks. I then saw her go to the door to make sure she was actually in the girl's washroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 118
You deserved it 4 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christopherlove 0

I'm a guy, and I've gone into a public restroom, walked past people to whom I paid no attention, thought nothing odd about the lack of urinals, used a stall, came out, and only THEN noticed the women washing their hands. Damn, I should post this story here.


why don't you shave then, ydi for looking like a man

icall_BS 0

fuckyourlife99- I could not, for the life of me, stop laughing at your picture. You are the most ******* hilarious looking person in the most ******* hilarious outfit I have ever seen. If I were to see you IRL I would probably stop, point, and laugh my ******* ass off.

^ lol harsh. but prolly true. that sucks.

This happens to me on a daily basis on my college campus. It's so stupid that it matters what toilet we sit our ass on

hatemeorkillme 4

You're right #45. Everyone knows girls don't have asses, much less do we use toilets. The horror of suggesting we do. Scandalous. (Sarcasm)

Hey if u go to varela that was probably me cause I did that once. It was after school and the girl really looked like a guy.

Chura 0

lol @ #10 "sorry about that..." that cracked me up

permission2laugh 0

ouch, try to be a female u must really have a fu**ed up style that no one can tell the difference

christopherlove 0

I'm a guy, and I've gone into a public restroom, walked past people to whom I paid no attention, thought nothing odd about the lack of urinals, used a stall, came out, and only THEN noticed the women washing their hands. Damn, I should post this story here.

emasoz 0

oh I accidentally mistaked a girl for a guy at my school once. it was embarrasing and I felt kinda bad. although I think girls need do dress and look like girls vise versa for guys. 

if they dont dress the part then expect the occasional mistake