By deliveryboy - 05/03/2011 15:46 - China

Today, I was told that I was an idiot by a little girl because I didn't deliver a pizza to her house fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 728
You deserved it 8 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I deliver pizza too.. people are so rude.. what part of "delivery driver" do they not get.. we can only get it out as fast as the people inside can make it...


reinmon88 0

yeah that does suck but you shoulda been faster

skyeyez9 24

I remember when Dominoes pizza's slogan was "we deliver in 30 mins or less." That is, until a teen speeding 55 in a 25mph t boned my dad in a car crash nearly killing him. Ended up with a big settlement and no more "30min or less" at least where my dad lives.

CaptainPickles72 18

It would be funny if she grew up and had to deliver pizzas.

knight0748 5

shanghai? u can never get anywhere on time over there with the traffic. only the rich can afford ordering pizza there, she probably is a spoiled brat.

You should've been faster then idiot! Seriously who cares what a little kid you don't know says! ;)

Simple solution - stop having sex with him! At least until he stops...