By deliveryboy - 05/03/2011 15:46 - China

Today, I was told that I was an idiot by a little girl because I didn't deliver a pizza to her house fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 728
You deserved it 8 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I deliver pizza too.. people are so rude.. what part of "delivery driver" do they not get.. we can only get it out as fast as the people inside can make it...


why is this even an FML? a LITTLE girl calling an OLDER man an idiot is depressing? YDI since you actually posted this meaningless FML..

Maybe Your Crybaby Ass Needs A New Job If You Consider That "FmL" Worthy...

heathersmorin 0

They still have little girls in China?? Boy, with that mouth she may not be around much longer.

#98 That was mean, but you're right. No little girl should have a smart alecky mouth like that.

doughnutboy99 2

did you put her over you knee and gave her a spanking that'll teach the lil' bastard

RainWind 0

What a twat. Be nice, tip well, enjoy the pie.

spzb 3

I can't say I'd be happy waiting on pizza because you drive to slow !

And you took it seriously from a little girl? Jeez.