By Insensitive - 15/04/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I was talking on my mobile and walking into a grocery store saying, quite loudly, "Time heals all wounds!" right as I passed a woman with significant burns covering her face. I guess I was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 424
You deserved it 53 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jgardner12 0

Big whoop, you were talking on the phone. If she cared she can **** off.

katherinebby17 28

that's not really a big deal you didn't know she had burns


l33tm0nk3y 0

Why does everyone say YDI? That's just bad luck right there.

annabananaxx 0

I agree with #13. Stop being an ass because of someone's word choice.

Wow. "YDI for not speaking the way I think everyone in the world should speak, because I am an American and am always right." Yeahhhhh. OP is unfortunately probably not an American like you, poor soul. Pull your head out of your ass, people.

CkMystic 0

thanks for being an ass and for stereotyping Americans. FYI I am an American and I don't care that he said mobile.

You deserved it for speaking "quite loudly" anyway. That's rude and obnoxious.

effmyyliifee 0

#7 & 8 if u had any cultural experience, you'd know that many europeans call their cell phones "mobiles"

ohhhhshizzz 0

#24: WTF? No one even said anything along those lines. STFU.

SOL593 0

you didn't neccessarily offend her.