By Crawlinginmymemes - 02/10/2016 18:46 - United States - Danvers

Today, I accidentally shut the door on someone who was walking behind me. After he opened the door, I turned, looked him sincerely in the eye and said, "Suffering". I meant to say sorry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 969
You deserved it 2 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xelabasat 14

I hate it when this happens, you bump into someone on the street and accidentally say "existiental agony"


Xelabasat 14

I hate it when this happens, you bump into someone on the street and accidentally say "existiental agony"

None of this would've happened if you were Canadian

Sorry for butting but it's true. Sorry. Did I say I was sorry?

This was meant to be a laughing face ...... OP I'm sure the person will forgive you.

I too have figured out FML is not emoji friendly XD

Your rudeness would probably pass for normal in Boston. It wouldn't surprise me if the guy said, "What are you, wicked re-tahd-ed? Pissah!"

On the bright side, now he probably thinks you're hardcore. Or that you're crazy. Either way, he's less likely to try and mess with you.

I hope you gave him an evil death glare while you said it. Then maybe got some flame jets around you for effect.

graphicstyle7 17

I know you were embarrassed, but part of me thinks that was awesome.