By I_Hate_Cars - 15/04/2009 14:10 - United States

Today, I went for a jog. I had stopped at an intersection to let a car go by. The car stopped and the driver waved me on, so I started jogging again. After a few steps, I feel a sharp pain in my side, then wake up in the hospital. The driver 'accidentally' hit the gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 229
You deserved it 5 853

I_Hate_Cars tells us more.

I_Hate_Cars 0

To all, thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I'm fine, it was just a bad concussion when I hit the ground that knocked me out. I hope I don't disappoint anybody, but I am not going to sue. A few years in jail ought to be enough for the driver- it was a drunk. Luckily, there was a black and white across the street and got the driver in time. Again, thank you all for your concerns.

Top comments

RockstaR91 0

that sucks, I hope it wasn't a dodge..


ryguy997 0

that's why when drivers wave my dad across he walks away

Why did you put "accidentally" in scare quotes? I'm sure the guy wasn't deliberately trying to run you down.

soccerdilan 0

I'm sure he was cuz that happened to my cousin and the guy said he hit him because he was in a bad mood and the kid reminded him of the person he was mad at. (and yes I said KID)

"accidentally" was probably just meant to indicate it was suspicious... which it kind-of was. But yeah, I really do hope it wasn't deliberate, although it may well have been.

smaldridge 12

the driver was at a complete stop and waved for this person to go. then they got hit right as they were in front of their car? even if the driver slipped off the break they wouldn't have been going fast enough to give up concussion. they had to hit the gas hard before they even finished crossing the street, but turns out it was a drunk driver and you can't expect anything less from them.

panda24 0

That sucks, hope you feel better :-)

bitsandkibbles 0

PLEASE sue them. stupid people need to learn a lesson :)

#4 that's not really a bright side. the OP still ended up in the hospital. FTL indeed. I hope there are no medical complications, OP, and best of luck. It sucks to hear there are still jackasses on the road!

ryguy997 0

I didn't know donkeys (jackasses) drive... ARGHG AHHHHH BLARGHHHH UGGGGG.....

bubbles09y0 0

You should sue. Even if it's an accidenb sue.

bubbles09y0 0

You should sue. Even if it's an accidenb sue.