By yourmomsabitch - 25/06/2011 04:30 - United States

Today, I was supposed to go on a date. I have been playing solitaire the whole night waiting for him. Out of 15 games, I've won one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 544
You deserved it 5 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OneLittleAdditio 9

why the whole night? you should've given up after half an hour if he didn't call. Go out and have fun with your friends!


lakaiskate 12
notsocrazee 0

I've played over 1200 games of solitare. won over 100. and log in 3 hours every night for over two years. you ma'am are a noon at it.

notsocrazee 0

Technically two, since you're still winning in the real life game of solitaire. Assuming you're still single, that is. :P

a_nutritionist 10

youve only won just over 100 of your 1200 games? you only win about 1 in every 12? naw. you suck :)

zuzupetalsYO 11

it took you all night to play 15 games? hahaha wow

OneLittleAdditio 9

why the whole night? you should've given up after half an hour if he didn't call. Go out and have fun with your friends!

liy223 6

if he made you wait he's not worth the one game of solitaire, let alone 15.

22cute 17

agreed!!! The reason you feel bad is that you continue to date guys who stand you up. Don't tolerate people who mistreat you.

a_nutritionist 10

@4 ive made people wait an hour for me if something comes up. so what? shit happens. deal with it. @20 why are you talking like you know this person intimately?

OP, instead of staying home playing games in Solitare-y confinement like an Old Maid, you should FreeCell-f (close enough) out of your room and play Golf with BlackJack (racism not intended), or have a Klondike bar with your Crazy 8 friends. You might have a chance to Poker winning some Hearts.

KennKenn 0

I never liked Solitare. I was more of a Mine Sweeper guy.

sourgirl101 28

Mine sweeper all the way. I mastered that game! (:

a_nutritionist 10

dont limit yourself to one game! you need to master them all, solitaire, minesweeper, freecell, hearts, spades, spider solitaire, pinball, reversi...but none of that backgammon or checkers shit. thats for people with no lives.

hey atleast you won something... i play solitaire on my laptop all the time and usually win 1 game out of about 200 .... so you got better odds than me

the computer cheats at those games.

How? Solitaire is easy :/ but back to the situation fyl for being stood up && ydi for failing at my fave game lol

chlorinegreen 27

how? because she has all these cards and no where to put them. that's how you lose. she's having a bad day. her losing streak probably isn't helping I'm sure. you've been there before I'm sure. we all have. no fun.

sourgirl101 28

Solitaire is easy to play not so easy to win. I always get delt shitty cards and just start over and over so I dont waste time on a bad hand.

a_nutritionist 10

you should win about 1 in every 3 though. its just about manipulating the position of the cards to make them work for you, not just dropping one card on after the other and expecting it to just work out for you. im very productive during exam time as you can tell...

a_nutritionist 10

oh...didnt think of vegas. strike the last comment, if you win 1 in 3 on vegas youve pretty much mastered the game :P