Haircut, haiiiiiirccuuuuuut

By Shrek - 16/03/2021 20:01

Today, after we went and spent $30 to get our two youngest boys hair cut last weekend, they snuck my beard trimmer and had a go at doing it themselves. Guess whose heads are buzzed now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 795
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let’s be honest, $30 for two haircuts? The haircuts couldn’t have been that good. Anything they did was probably an improvement.

Exactly they took one look and fixed it. Why was the beard trimmer where they could get it?


Wow! This one is tricky. My guess is: your family dog and Boris Johnson.

Let’s be honest, $30 for two haircuts? The haircuts couldn’t have been that good. Anything they did was probably an improvement.

Exactly they took one look and fixed it. Why was the beard trimmer where they could get it?

Sounds like you will save a lot of money in child's haircuts in the future.

Well, if they’re kids, they probably don’t have a concept of money or empathy.

YDI for keeping your shaver where your small children can access it.