By Anonymous - 02/10/2012 07:10 - United States - Sacramento

Today, I was sitting in the park with my new dog; I got her from the pound last week. We were enjoying the sun when I noticed that every time a black person walked past, she'd bark like crazy. Great, my dog is a racist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 033
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I apologize for a saddening/serious comment, but she seems to have had a bad experience with black people. Abuse possibly? Or your dog is totally racist. You choose whichever you prefer.


randomthing 22

My dog does the same... except it's only black dogs. :p

nattynatters 14

Mine is the same only if you are wearing black. And if you're a man.

Hmm, I wonder where the dog's learned that.

Rancor 5

My dog is too, just only to overweight black people.

Does you dog look like my pic when they walk by.

45- I've never closed up on your picture before. I've always thought it was a grey puppy.

iGrassYourSister 6

i call it well trained dog. you know you re like 8 times more likely to be attacked by black person in america? facts baby, not racism.

It might hate black people because it was mollested by one

Bree12345 15
Hiimhaileypotter 52

Sometimes if a dog has been abused before (say, by a person wearing a hat, a man with a beard, or even a black person) they will be afraid of people who look like that person. It isn't the dog's fault.

I was thinking ladybird/hank hill. But I'm sure that one specific episode wont be on any radars

Kn0wledge123 21

That dog obviously got it from its father.

I apologize for a saddening/serious comment, but she seems to have had a bad experience with black people. Abuse possibly? Or your dog is totally racist. You choose whichever you prefer.

Actually some dogs are simply racist because while they were puppies they had never seen a black person, so when they finally do they see them as a threat because they're different to the people they're used to.

It's the same with my cat. Except, she scampers away like crazy whenever she sees an Indian construction worker. I picked her up from the void deck, frail and possibly abused a couple of years back.

kellygirl83 11

I have never seen an Indian construction worker! I thought they didn't exist.

My dog was rescued from abuse, and every time it sees a black man it runs away.

rebel_belle1974 5

I had a dog that was abused by a man in a ups uniform, she'd bark whenever she saw one.

iTransform 8

I don't know why, but this made me crack up. Thanks for that :)

zero91 4

your dog might have bad experience with black people before you got her