Healthy relationship goals

By Anonymous - 10/06/2022 15:00 - United States - Chicago

Today, I'm more interested in Facebook stalking a former coworker than seeing what my girlfriend is doing on a business trip. On her birthday. For a week. Where she insisted on staying in her ex's spare bedroom. That she decorated for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 657
You deserved it 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would pretty much count that relationship as over - staying at her ex's house and decorating it for him? Sounds like you may be over it too.

bidet 8

Well yeah. You don't know what the co-worker is doing, so stalking is exciting. On the other hand, you know exactly what your girlfriend is doing, where, and who with. No excitement there.


I would pretty much count that relationship as over - staying at her ex's house and decorating it for him? Sounds like you may be over it too.

Sounds like you are the side piece. js

I don't think you want to mind your girlfriend's business this week, cuckold.

bidet 8

Well yeah. You don't know what the co-worker is doing, so stalking is exciting. On the other hand, you know exactly what your girlfriend is doing, where, and who with. No excitement there.

sounds like you are aware subconsciously that you need to move on, you deserve better.

She's stringing you along. Break it off