By anon - 19/06/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, I took my dog for a walk. It became friendly with another dog, and I reached down to pet them both. Suddenly, an old woman runs up to me and whacks me with her cane repeatedly. Apparently, her previous dog had been kidnapped by a woman who looked a lot like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 244
You deserved it 2 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have kicked her in the kidneys and then apologized and told her that she looked a lot like another old woman who had previously hit you with her cane for no reason.

That crap is annoying. Take the cane and throw it next time.


that really blows! You shoulda hit her back with her own cane....she probably woulda died

lmmmr 0

That wouldn't have happened if you had registered and licensed your dog.

I know, right? We got a new dog and that was the first thing we did.

awww. haha gotta love those old women.

ducttape89 0

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That crap is annoying. Take the cane and throw it next time.

Quinklong 0

Maybe you shouldn't of kidnapped her dog!

fillmyheart028 0

If your going to have two crappy comments just have one.If your going to have two crappy comments just have one.

fillmyheart028 0
FBIWarning 0

Kick her in the ******' nuts

Agreed with this. Don't take that bullshit from some random stranger. Old or not, that's assault.

totally agree. I hate how old people think they can get away with absolutely anything simply because they're old.

scorpioserpent 1

LMAO! It would have served her right.

outofmyelement 0

Well, did you kidnap her dog?

HER in the NUTS hers don't have nuts idiot

HER in the NUTS hers don't have nuts idiot

You should have kicked her in the kidneys and then apologized and told her that she looked a lot like another old woman who had previously hit you with her cane for no reason.

I doubt it matters who you look like. She's probably just a crazy old assaultive bitch. If she's so concerned about her dog, she shouldn't have it running around loose, anyway.