By Anonymous - 27/03/2014 23:03 - Canada - Sackville

Today, I was sitting in the coffee shop where my boyfriend and I used to go before he broke up with me about a week ago. I was missing him and wishing he was there, when all of a sudden this 14-year-old kid comes up to me and says, "He's not coming, you may as well go home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 653
You deserved it 6 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you see this kid before? Like did he work there and might have seen you two together? Or was he just some punk who thought it would be funny to say and it turned out to be a strange coincidence....?

Wise words. That kid is gonna grow up to be a wise monk. Time to move on..


ihavenolifehaha 16

Wow that was the best first comment I've ever read

Did you see this kid before? Like did he work there and might have seen you two together? Or was he just some punk who thought it would be funny to say and it turned out to be a strange coincidence....?

ihavenolifehaha 16

I'm sure she knows this kid since she knows his age

A wise man once told me, 'Be honest to get the girl.' Turns out I was a little to honest...OP isn't dating me is she...

Perhaps she orders a hot coffee to "accidentally" spill on this punk.

Wise words. That kid is gonna grow up to be a wise monk. Time to move on..

Eh... sounds to me like the punk thought she was getting stood up, rather than (metaphorically) awaiting her ex's return. Anyone else think this?

lexiieeex3 32

You know it's bad when kids are able to detect the truth before you can...

That was harsh. Don't let it bring you down though.

#4 She needs to move on. Listen to the kid's words, it's only tough love as they call it

She doesn't need to dwell on the past either. If it's to the point a 14 year old is thinking more clearly than you, you know it's time to really go home. Good luck though :)

On one hand, yes, the best advice is to not hold onto what you don't have any longer, and move on. On the other hand, that felt rather rudely delivered.

I'm so sorry OP, it will pass, stay strong dear!

That look of wild desperation. Never a pretty thing. This to shall pass, until it does wear sunglasses.

I wear my sunglasses at night, you know why? because the sun is always out when you're cool. :P

Don't worry about it OP you will find the right guy for you, it just takes time :)