Really wants the set of plates

By Rasta Pickles - 17/12/2022 14:00 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I spent £107 filling wife's car up with fuel. When I get home she says "don't forget we have to fill my car up at Tesco at the weekend". "I've already done it at Asda earlier" I say. "You stupid dumb idiot" she says, "I wanted it filled up at Tesco so I could get Clubcard points". FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 113
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, Clubcard points are great but name calling is not the way to go about this. Maybe she can fill the car from now on?


I mean, Clubcard points are great but name calling is not the way to go about this. Maybe she can fill the car from now on?

Did she ever voice this to you in a way you could be reasonably expected to remember? If so, listen to your wife. If not, let her handle it next time.

As someone who's had relationships last almost an entire year, I can already tell you this 100% is not about the points.

Siphon the Asda gas out off the car and then fill it up as Telco. I don't know what an L is, but 107 of them isn't probably very much money.