Pick me!

By Anonymous - 13/05/2021 17:01

Today, I wore my tightest, slightly too small, push-up bra and low cut top to impress a guy at work. He came over to borrow a pen. I leaned down to get one out of my bag and my nipple popped out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 273
You deserved it 1 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't objectify women if they do it themselves.

Deliberately wearing an outfit like that is a recipe for a wardrobe malfunction. You can wear whatever you want, but don't complain when something like that happens if you do.


Deliberately wearing an outfit like that is a recipe for a wardrobe malfunction. You can wear whatever you want, but don't complain when something like that happens if you do.

You can't objectify women if they do it themselves.

Did your embarrassing attempt to impress work or was your wardrobe malfunction in vain?

bobsanction 18

You deserve a trip to HR for this blatant sexual harassment.

Nothing like a lil nip-slip to make the day go by.

bleachedraven 14

Were you expecting him to throw you on the desk and make out with you after seeing a nip? 🤣 Being that it's an fml that probably didn't happen. Hopefully managment or hr didnt get told by your coworker or innocent bystander.

So, your only hope in impressing that guy was having him notice your chest? Seriously?

Wadlaen 23

Did it work? Was he impressed? At least you surely got his attention!😅

I'm sure he was impressed, but not in a good way.