By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 12:49 - Canada

Today, I was shopping in an upscale store. As I was changing, I heard one of the snobby saleswomen say to mine "You shouldn't bother. She isn't going to buy anything." Determined to "show her", I purchased everything I'd tried on. It came to around $500. My credit card was declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 855
You deserved it 80 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

palmtrees 1

that's just... stupid. plain and simple. why on earth would you buy things you didn't even really want just to try to "show" a saleswoman? what does it matter really?


weiner. I'm talkin about both of you. that includes the saleswoman.

spacewardtrout 16

making impulse buys like that no wonder it got declined.

Since when does buying on impulse mean you will be declined?

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palmtrees 1

that's just... stupid. plain and simple. why on earth would you buy things you didn't even really want just to try to "show" a saleswoman? what does it matter really?

Herbal_fml 0

Agreed. How immature. The OP wrote this FML with the punchline being "My credit card was declined", while everyone is just commenting on the "to show her" part. Again, how very immature.

she was trolling, just look at FML posts for examples

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Agreed. The saleswoman was just saying that because there are others for them to convince to buy things so their business makes more money. They are, in fact, much less productive in fulfilling their jobs as salespeople than if they were to talk to other, more reliable, shoppers.

I can see why a comment like that would upset you, but you just should have brushed it off. It's not worth 500 dollars just to prove something to someone you'll probably never see again.

She probably has seen her more than once since the woman is convinced she won't buy anything

You don't have to "show anyone" or prove yourself to anyone -.-

AntiChrist7 0

so you just buy something because someone said you wouldn't buy? if I said you're not jumping off a cliff, would you than do it? Capitalism is never gonna die with stupids like you

Kitty34_fml 0

You didn't need to "show her", but I can get why you did. It's pretty rude for them to assume you aren't buying anything, because they are judging you on your clothes, hair, purse etc without even knowing you. Instead, you should have walked out of the dressing room and said "Well NOW I'm not buying anything" and left.

curryndricegirll 0

You know, she said it just to get that reaction out of you.