Pennies From Heaven

By Anonymous - 07/09/2019 04:02

Today, I bought some shoes, but pissed off the lady working at the store by returning them 5 minutes later. She yelled at me and ripped my receipt in half, everyone in the store watched as she threw a handful of pennies at my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 992
You deserved it 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not that it'll justify her behavior, but why return them after 5 minutes? I'd have wide-eyed you to hell and back tbh


not that it'll justify her behavior, but why return them after 5 minutes? I'd have wide-eyed you to hell and back tbh

I’ve done it with impulse purchases before. Got in my car and felt guilty about spending the money.

I've had to shop for a specific sweater for the kids before, event at school, ect. I'll have looked through like 8 stores and finally come across one that's VERY close to what I need. Purchase, Literally the next store I browse through for something else, THEY HAVE IT! Walked back to other store and returned within 10 minutes. I'm already at the mall that's 20 minutes away, why TF would I hold onto it for the next time I shop? I found what I needed in a store that isn't specific for kids so I need to return! OP's Situation may have been Cashier waited on her and helped her try stuff, and coming back 5 minutes later to return she wasted her time. Cashier was still an asshole, that's literally what shes paid to do; sell and return.

tounces7 27

It's shoes. Maybe she wore them and found out they weren't very comfortable?

Buyer's remorse is a bitch. But she's a bigger one.

Hopefully, you caught enough pennies that you're Even Steven.

ViviMage 38

That's assault, sorry. I hope you turned her in to her boss

Why was she mad, it’s the store that has to return the money, not her

bl3ur0z3 17

What did her manager say about the incident?

Traveling_Book 9

Sounds like there is something more to this story we aren’t getting. What did you do to piss her off so bad? Why return shoes after 5 minutes?

Sorry that happened to you, OP. I’ve had that happen many times as a cashier, and what she did was completely unacceptable.