By Colormered - 12/01/2010 15:08 - France

Today, I spent all day organizing a list of electronic parts for my boss. I found the easiest way was to color problem parts in the spreadsheet red and okay parts green. After I finished at the end of the day, I found out my boss is red-green colorblind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 393
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about a column where you put "Good" or "Problem"? Then you can sort the spreadsheet by that column. And if you really want colors, you can sort the spreadsheet by good/problem and apply/change the colors in 2 seconds. Then you change back to the default sort.


Josher47 0

NO! You are an idiot OP! There are many men red-green colorblind! It is the most frustrating thing when people in general color code things in red and green! There is a reason things are normally red and blue... a lot of males can't see the difference.

Bah, shaddup... ...most of the people who are color-blind can at least distinguish between these colours, as long as the difference is clear. As long as you didn't use different shades of green and red, chances are your boss can still see the difference. And I don't know where you live but as far as I know stuff is NOT normally red and blue.

wrong. I am colour blind, you just do not see the colours as everyone else does, so to their boss they could be the same. please know what you're talking about before you start blabbing

God I hate fake fmls. Look, before people start making fake colourblind fmls, at least realise what red/green colourblindness MEANS. And yes 34 you're a liar.

dudeitsdanny 9

#34: Unless there's something wrong with you.. You should see one a darker shade of gray than the other..

no he or she red green colorblind too and from a certain distance i cant tell the difference between the two at all. they have to be really bright reds and greens for me to tell the sucks!

missd420 16

Speaking from experience, as I am colorblind myself, I can see what the colors are, just can't tell different shades. Like if you walk up to me and ask Which is prettier, the cherry or the red wine, honey I am just going to guess lol

MrBloo777 0

all that hard work for nothing... FYL

change the red and green to purple and pink or something

hmckay2010 0

haha that blows. well now you know :)

avengedgirl6661 0

haha that sucks well now u know use yellow and pink lol

How about a column where you put "Good" or "Problem"? Then you can sort the spreadsheet by that column. And if you really want colors, you can sort the spreadsheet by good/problem and apply/change the colors in 2 seconds. Then you change back to the default sort.

Typically, when you're organizing reports it is highly stressed that you utilize the third dimension: color. When you're choosing colors it's a good idea to choose contrasting colors to differentiate 2 types such as... red and green. It draws someones attention far more quickly and reduces clutter so that it is more visually attractive. This isn't something I'm making up off the top of my head either, this is coming from upper-college level communications classes on writing scientific reports.

DigitalFusion 4

Cool story bro. But #7 didn't knock using color in the spreadsheet, just suggested a way to fix the issue quickly. So your post is just taking up unnecessary space. So is mine, but I'm just cool like that.

OP's boss must have a hard time at Christmas.

AntiChrist7 0

So your boss is member of the Daltons?