By feistychick - 25/04/2009 13:31 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job of 5 years. I was let go because I couldn't take the company to 'the next level'. My now ex-boss asked me if I could process my severance check because he didn't know how. I had to write myself my last paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 138
You deserved it 2 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rakhil11 7

so how much extra did u give urself? ;D what i would have done

Haha, I'd tell him to go **** himself and walk away. I'm not paid to write my own check anymore. He has to figure it out anyways or he could get into huge trouble.


Haha, I'd tell him to go **** himself and walk away. I'm not paid to write my own check anymore. He has to figure it out anyways or he could get into huge trouble.

Lol if you had to right your own pay check then just put double your pay ;p

I think that you're better off without them. =/. Look for a new job, that isn't as retarded.

rakhil11 7

so how much extra did u give urself? ;D what i would have done

ejvlols 0

wow, you should have wrote a check for like 10mil. it would take them a couple years before they realized if theyre that stupid

dorkchildgoesbla 0

awww that sucks ): i'm sorry. ooh yeah, you should've given yourself a ton of cash xD

Zerenade 0

You should sue. Technically, you can still legally due so, unless you signed an agreement saying you wouldn't.

#5, #6, #7, Doesn't your boss have to sign the check though? He can't fill it out, but he still needs to sign it.

#1, you're lame as ****. But you definitely should of written yourself a check for some extra dough ;)