By ThirteenThirteen - 01/04/2015 22:09 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, I was sent the script to a play I'm participating in at school. After reading it a couple of times, I noticed that my part has been forgotten completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 953
You deserved it 2 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

What a great time to learn improv.

bleedingglitter 24


jentrynicole 20

What a great time to learn improv.

Totally agree. A great opportunity to perform in the play and improvise every line. Might as well invent a leading role for yourself while you're at it.

Talk to whoever made the script and tell them, "where is my part??"

bleedingglitter 24
LostInTheZone11 29

My high school's Stage Crew slogan. "We do it in the dark."

Ch_rae5 19

I totally agree crew is the best ?

This is your chance to do what ever you want!

You never know OP, they may just be playing with you.