By okaythen6 - 09/12/2009 11:13 - United States

Today, I showed up on set for a film that I booked a role in weeks ago. At the time of the audition, the script was being rewritten, so today I was so excited and eager to be told what my role would entail. When they handed me the script, my character was described as a fat, ugly, awkward girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 224
You deserved it 5 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So based on what I'm reading, you're admitting that you fit the role perfectly with little to no makeup?

So what? At least you have a job. Stop whining and get on with it!


So based on what I'm reading, you're admitting that you fit the role perfectly with little to no makeup?

SmittyJA24 26

I'm wondering... "fat, ugly, awkward".... ... is this a surprise?

I know, she automatically just assumed that because they gave her that role that must be her, some people need to get over themselves and realize they're not a victim.

D'aw, okaythen6, I feel sorry for you - what an awkward position to be in! You'll get some horrible comments on here but, for what it's worth, I enjoyed your FML and I feel bad for you!

Skull_300 0

Be thankful you weren't napping next to your best friend! See next fml

So what? At least you have a job. Stop whining and get on with it!

I guess someone has to play those parts in the movies.

This is a fake. No one is going to get on here as an actor and say this shit. Acting is don't take the roles given to you as an insult. Charlize Theron, one of the most beautiful in hollywood, played an overweight, disgusting serial murderer and had to gain around 40-50lbs for the movie "monster." So...still want to complain?

That doesn't mean it's fake. There are some people who take that shit to heart. I'm not saying they should, but they do. And I'm willing to bet, OP is not acting on the level of Charlize Theron. So you say "no actor....." but you don't seem to be considering the fact that there are lots of actors who are barely more than amateur and who aren't experienced in handling the business of acting.

You don't get to correct me...shut your ***** mouth.

#8 I agree, but that only emphasises the fact that the OP shouldn't be so picky and just be glad she got a job.

I'm not sure whether to think you're funny and playful or a total prick. #15, yeah maybe she should, but she probably doesn't know that yet. My guess is that she isn't used to how acting works in the real world, and it took her by surprise.

Shut YOUR ***** mouth! If you can't take constructive criticism, then don't comment on fml. It's not like she was calling you "stupid" or a "retard" like many people on fml like to start thier replying comments with.

helllllllooooo maybe she's like 12 years old. a new actor or something. yall are being to rough on her

maybe not it's not on any kind of thing like the news I think its just so shity crap

perdix 29

Somehow, I don't think the role is going to be as much as a stretch as your rolls stretch out your size XXXL sweatpants.

if ya gonna be in the movie business etc you have to have thick skin.

Oh yea totally. I mean the amount they charge just for some vegetables or fruit. Highway robbery I tell ya!

good luck trying to break into the acting business being fat, ugly and awkward...not!

Are you an actress or not? I'd say, not. A real actress would take to the role.