By Sue - 26/03/2011 15:41 - United States

Today, I co-starred in a production of Hamlet. Halfway through play, the actor playing Hamlet forgot his lines, threw a raging temper tantrum, screaming about how much he hated the play and how he wanted to go home in front of hundreds of audience members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 101
You deserved it 3 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have slapped that ******* drama queen in the face. Goddamned prima donna needs to be knocked down a few levels back to reality.


Nice. To OP, how is this ******* YOUR life. It is hysterical. I can't imagine this "production" being anything bigger than a backyard show if the lead can't remember the lines and would flip shit like that. I hope someone puts it on youtube.

born_hustla 26

that is the question indeed. lol

is there a video of it on YouTube I wanna watch this :D

Yea especially that WKUK is the first thing that came to my mind when I read this! Oh Hamlet, Hamlet, Hamlet.


There's a ******* vampire behind you, Hamlet!!

My fellow, I will avenge you! Oh shit! Hamlet turn around! Haha WKUK is so funny.

Damn. William Shakespeare would cry if he were to witness this. >>;

Actually I think he would pull up his robe thing and charge at him at top speed and tackle him.

I was unaware that William Shakespeare wore a robe.

I dunno, he seemed like the kind of guy who would've laughed his head off about it then changed the play to match it. The moral is: let's be glad that never happened.

Hayman68 4

Im pretty sure Shakespeare cried when he saw Gnomeo and Juliet from up above

I doubt he would care, he only wrote parts of his plays and would be far too busy getting drunk to give a crap. He was actually an alcoholic and may have died in a drinking contest.

rebekahah 7

I don't think Shakespeare would cry; rather, wonder how he's still alive.

born_hustla 26

that probably made him flip in his grave!!

shakespear makes me friggin cry when i have to do an english project on one of his plays

iTaylor 0

whoa whoa whoa 59, dint talk shit about Gnomeo and Juliet :P

actually I think he'd be flattered that his work is still getting so much attention

Actually he'd probably cry more about the fact that women were allowed to act in his plays... Back in his time period, men would even play a female role on stage.

heatherrr17 19

This is a funny visual lol

Wow. Maybe you could think of this along the lines of "at least I looked fantastic in comparison". Shit goes wrong onstage all the time, although usually not as explosively as that. It's all in how you handle it. (Not that there's anything you could have done to salvage this clusterf*ck.)

Did you improvise? Maybe do a little jig til you got off stage?

TraceCase_ 19

Lol that wouldve made up for forgeting their lines

Look on the bright side. At least you guys weren't playing Hamlet 2.

You should have slapped that ******* drama queen in the face. Goddamned prima donna needs to be knocked down a few levels back to reality.

kofinater 3

If he was the queen of drama you would think he would have remembered his lines .

i thought it was "pre-Madonna" haha oops =

FCChelsea 3

this should be FtheactorwhoragequitL rather than an FYL

But the actor would get a YDI, for handling that horribly wrong. F the OPs L because she had to co-star a play that bombed. At least soldier #2 didn't have his name on the fliers. XD

good thing he wasn't about to kill someone in the play or he might have actually killed someone a dagger he might kill himself in front of everyone.

Wow.. Is he 5? What a great way to save himself from the humiliation of forgetting his lines!

I don't think that's a good way to save from humiliation, I think it would have been less humiliating for him to not chuck a tantrum...

SirEBC 7

What a great way to save himself from the humiliation of forgetting his lines!