By Anonymous - 31/10/2010 15:34 - United States

Today, I was running a marathon for my school. Two hot girls started talking to me, so I glanced at them, and smiled. I turned back, just in time to knee a little boy in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 134
You deserved it 7 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Are you on dope? Did this really happen or are you just dreaming it? Were these "two hot girl" runners or spectators of the marathon? What was a little boy doing on the race course? Are you high-stepping for 26 miles, 385 yards?

Fortuitous 0

The world does not kneed another child abuser.


Petawhitney 2

Two hot girlS, I hope. And way to go, kneeing a child in the face, child abuser.

KiddNYC1O 20

Today, I was kneed in the face at the special olympics. FML.

thebignixie 0

NOT like op MEANT to do it, right??

Thunderbender 2

yea for real accidents happen but that would suck

Kid's fault for been in the way. WTF? Is he blind? He was probably a midget waiting for you to strike him so he can sue your ass. FYL OP! ;(

KiddNYC1O 20

31- how the **** is it my fault!?

I wish i could move it away from comment #1... can't do it. Deal with it! Besises, mind moving away? I was replying to OP.

A consideration: (Hi #1, sorry Kidd... ) Won't it be awkward if the girls thought he stole something from them and that was the reason he was running? lol, this bring back memories... This one Haitian kid was running, supposedly to the student's service, when this white kid started running after him. Well white kid caught him and they start trading blows. The deans come to separate them and when they ask what happened.... White kid's reply: "I chased him because I thought he stole something, he was running away". And I was there to witness this!

KiddNYC1O 20

KaySL: I know the feeling. Btw, you changed your pic! You've had it since the beginning of time! Yuggi: I loved how you apologized but you didn't have to =]

KiddNYC1O 20
DevianceIsBliss 0

Kidd: a certain moderator.... I would say they name but she kind if scares me... haha. probably change my comment x]

Did these two hot girls have a cup with them?

that's what the little kid gets for failing a spelling test.

perdix 29

Are you on dope? Did this really happen or are you just dreaming it? Were these "two hot girl" runners or spectators of the marathon? What was a little boy doing on the race course? Are you high-stepping for 26 miles, 385 yards?

h2opoloplaya 0

fhl. why would he run into where the race was

Yeah, that's what I'd like to know. Who lets their kid get in the way of a marathon?

WTF, they're talking to you while you're running a marathon? AND you just smiled instead of replied?

Always watch where you are going, bozo. Falling can give people oowie. Ok, chamaco? Or the kid came out of nowhere. Then FYL.

little shit deserved it, well played sir

You can't just knee every kid who tries to ****-block you in the face. You gotta learn to share.

If you can run 26.2 miles, your life does not suck. If you decided to make this up, your life does suck. Running a marathon is a pathetic thing to lie about.