By yeahno - 31/10/2010 16:10 - United States

Today, I wore my high school letterman jacket while I was out shopping. A man saw me and muttered to his wife about how sad it is some adults can't grow up and continue to wear their high school paraphernalia, constantly trying to relive their senior year. I am a senior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 824
You deserved it 3 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fakeaccountX 6

1, you're clearly saying YDI just for the sake of saying it. Eff off.

I actually like the fact that I look older than I am because people take me more seriously.


rallets 22

a senior in high school or just an old senior?

fakeaccountX 6

1, you're clearly saying YDI just for the sake of saying it. Eff off.

33 and 34, you can say **** in here. ****, ****, fuckity, ****. Btw, OP ... YFDI

I'm not sure. Perhaps if he graduated before his 21st birthday ...

lemoncows 2
immja 0

32, you a lot younger than fourteen in your picture.. haha :)

his probably jealous cause his senior days have been and gone,, or not been at all

Bees_fml 0

Of course she deserves it, for being presumptuous. OP, the world does not revolve around you. Don't assume he assumed you're an adult; he could have simply been sharing a pet peeve of his, of which you reminded him. Why default to taking personal offense?

66 Just say ****. Sound it out

shibainu519 0
bryethurlow 0

Hey selena im 15 my numbers 1 251 263 6555 text me k u look cute in ur picks wouldnt mind getin to know u better

Shadow9876 19

So you're older than you look? That must have hurt you confidence. :)

aaaahh 0

No, he's younger then he looks.

No... I think he's saying that he's older than he looks..

He never actually states his age, just that he is still a high school senior. He could have flunked Kindergarden and a couple other grades. That would make him 20 or 21.

Dear lord. He is YOUNGER than he looks. Think before you correct a comment correcting a comment.

Numbar_Foar 0

#44: Wrooong. You've got the gender wrong, it says "WOMAN". Another thing you also didn't bother reading, the man in the store said *she* looked like an adult trying to relive her High School years. That means she's older than she looks, not younger. Think before you correct a comment correcting a comment.

#48 you are wrong while she is a woman it clearly stated at the end that she us a senior. Since someone thought she is an adult she is younger then she looks

#52 If she looked younger than she did the man would say why do 8th graders wear high school clothes. So OP is older than she looks.

DudeImBetter 0

do people ever use their brains on this site. she's younger than she looks. the dude said why people always wanna relive their senior year so he thought that she was older than a senior but she really is a senior so she looks older (adult) than what she really is (senior). I'm smert.

LMFAO! Thank you to all the uber retarded people who post on this site. I had a good laugh over your ignorance. Wow...

xiShawnx 0

ok, it doesnt state a he or she. and it's youngerthan he/she looks cuz they said people need to Forget they're senior year shit. therefor. He/she is younger than he/she looks. Dumbfucks.

Please go look at the OP's name. The gender is clearly posted next to it.

OMFG. OP looks older then they are = OP is younger than they look. Try thinking a little.

74 The mobile site doesn't show the gender.

Numbar_Foar 0

Wow, you guys [saying OP is younger than she looks] are total dumb *****. Read: "some adults can't grow up and continue to wear their high school paraphernalia" How the **** does that mean she's younger than she looks? If she was younger than she looks, the man wouldn't have called her an adult. She's a senior in High School, and he thought she was already OUT of High School trying to RELIVE her High School years. Jesssusssss. That's like saying "I'm in 8th grade and somebody said I looked like I was in 10th grade, that must mean I'm younger than I look."

Numbar_Foar 0

Wow, you guys [saying OP is younger than she looks] are total dumb *****. Read: "some adults can't grow up and continue to wear their high school paraphernalia" How the **** does that mean she's younger than she looks? If she was younger than she looks, the man wouldn't have called her an adult. She's a senior in High School, and he thought she was already OUT of High School trying to RELIVE her High School years. Jesssusssss. That's like saying: "I'm in 8th grade and somebody said I looked like I was in 10th grade, that must mean I'm younger than I look." Or, if you still can't wrap your head around this, it's like saying: "I'm a senior in High School. Today, a man in a store was talking about me, saying it's sad how people already out of High School still wear their High School stuff.... but, I'm still in High School. That must mean he thinks I'm in the 6th grade."

98- It's hilarious how unbelieveably mentally disabled you are. I'm surprised you're able to use a computer, let alone breathe for that matter. Think about what it means to be younger than you look. If I say you look like you're 40, but you're actually 20 what does that mean? Does that mean you're older than you look? No, that wouldn't make sense because last time I checked being 20 is younger than being 40. On the flip side, if I say you look like you're 20 but you're 40 what does that mean? That means you're older than you look because last time I checked being 40 is older than being 20.

It really is hilarious, especially considering it took 98 three paragraphs to prove herself wrong. But what do we know? We are dumbfucks...

OH MY FRICKIN' GOD. OP is younger than she looks. She looks old, but is young. if she were older than she looks, she would look young, but be old. Still with me, or still lagging? 98- nice contradicting yourself.

This is one of the most idiotic arguments ever because 98 is clearly wrong . :|

You people are unbelievably stupid. There is a huge difference between BEING younger than you really are, and LOOKING younger than you are. If OP is 18 and the man thought she was, for example, 30, that means OP IS 18 but LOOKS 30. She LOOKS OLDER than she really is, or she is YOUNGER than she LOOKS. If she had actually been 30 years old and the man thought she looked 18, then she would be older than she looks, or look younger than she really is. Is that really too ******* complicated for some of you to grasp?!?!

I actually like the fact that I look older than I am because people take me more seriously.

No way. Way better to look younger. That way when you get older, assuming you take care of yourself, people will compliment you on how damn young you look :) Worked for me.

21- I know older people like to look younger, but as a 20 year old who spent all of last August repeatedly being asked if I was excited to be starting high school, and having to explain that I'm not 16, I'm 20 and I already graduated, looking younger than you are at my age sucks!

WTH??? you talking to me?? ****. I'm in high school!

Wow, cuntwaffle, good insult...(sarcasm)

Oh yeah, I can see a Pulitzer for poetry on KaySL's horizon. As for you, Ms "Selena_is_back" if some of these critters choose to wallow in self-pity, what is that to you? You certainly have a bright future ahead of you.

13, what was I supposed to do??? My bad for not taking "insulted through the Internet emergency case answer" classes. sheesh -_-

I'll consider your plea, but no promises...

Fortuitous 0

Kay, aardvark is incapable of showing compassion. He's a helicopter; I'm pretty sure he'd just spin his blades at you and chop you up. :P

Fortuitous 0

Ah, I'm pretty sure God can't help you. He'll help you every night except tonight. I am the son of Sam. Muahahahaha! >:D

Fortuitous 0

I kid, I kid, I make joke. Je t'aime, Kay. I think. ;)

One of those people ... no kidding #1 ... you 1st commenter. I have yet to be 1st.

28, mais pourtemps, je me trouve pas emmerdé.

It's better this way: Et pourtant, je ne me suis pas fait emmerdé. :-)

56, OK, I see your point, but I am known for creating new expressions that my French friends like to quote for entertainment. We call it "pas du mauvais Français, mais du Français avec un gout different."

perez758 2

umm whats wrong with looking a little older when you're 17? get into clubs and bars by lookin a lil older :)

arielzbkny 0

No she's younger than she looks...

arielzbkny 0
TryptamineDreame 0

Why does it matter what a stranger thinks? YDI for letting it bother you, unless you were out of high school and what he said was exactly what you are, which you arent...

agreed. most teenage females look older than they Are with the help of make-up. I have never worn make-up and look 14. although I am 18. it sucks Now but will be a good thing later.

it's the beefed-up beef that makes these kids look beefy. |the kid|

so you were mistaken for a grown man... what's the problem?

Curse2TheMax 1

Who cares, you probably won't even see him again. That guy's a moron for caring so much about what other people wear. You could have corrected him after hearing his comment.