By Sick As Hell - 27/04/2016 07:22 - United States - Urbandale

Today, I rolled my ankle, got pink eye, and have the flu. Unable to stand long enough to cook myself a meal, I opted for delivery. When I opened the door for the delivery boy, he backed away frantically with his arms up upon seeing me. Apparently, I look just as shitty as I feel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 027
You deserved it 1 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sempisaviour 17

Seriously? Did that delivery boy think you were going to kill him? FYL, and **** anyone who said YDI.

He probably didn't want to catch whatever you had. But wow, the flu and pink eye? You must be miserable.. Good luck.


Hope you feel better lol that's funny though

Why would someone dislike this, it's pretty funny

sempisaviour 17

Seriously? Did that delivery boy think you were going to kill him? FYL, and **** anyone who said YDI.

BlockOfRedStone 25

Well, if she had pink eye, I can imagine maybe the delivery boy mistaking OP for a demon, especially if OP also has straight black hair covering her face.

To be fair, we can't really say YDI, it's "Phew, glad it wasn't me!"

Isn't that pretty much the same as FYL? There really isn't much difference.

Steve97 32

Tbh maybe OP should take better care of herself...

Yeah, because if you get sick, you're obviously not taking care of yourself. Dumbass.

Steve97 32

But if you get the flu and pink eye in the middle of spring then maybe OP should be washing her hands more? Watch your tone so you don't sound like an idiot...

You can get the flu and pink eye any time of year. And you can get both even if you fanatically wash your hands. Flu germs can be airborne, and pink eye can be caused by flu/cold viruses, allergies, contact lenses—basically anything that can irritate and inflame the eye. Also, depending on OP's profession, she might be exposed to a lot of illness/germs (medical professional, teacher, etc…). Sometimes there are things in life beyond your control. Don't be so judgmental, 26.

you can also get what my son's Dr told me was basically allergic pink eye. my son got it during allergy season.

For me it says "phew, glad it wasn't me" cause of the update so I clicked it

He probably didn't want to catch whatever you had. But wow, the flu and pink eye? You must be miserable.. Good luck.

Sounds like the delivery boy's reaction is the least of Op's problems right now.

UserError94 18

Maybe she got free food! Scare them away my friend!

Feel shitty, look shitty, I feel so sorry for you OP. Get lots of rest and spend some time gaming..

Twisted_Killjoy 23

Hey, free food is always a plus. Sorry you feel so shitty op, hopefully you can get some more free stuff if you complain to the delivery service :/

zeffra13 31

What did you expect? You could be responsible for the rest of his deliveries catching what you have, or getting him sick.

Does that mean the food was free? That would be some good from all the FML in your life

I'm really sorry op, I hope you get better, that delivery boy wasn't very professional. What was he expecting? You to be some super model?