The sweet sighs of disappointment

By ThatGuyWhoRolled - 05/01/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, I was up against two others in a 120m race on my school's sports day. Unexpectedly, I heard my name being chanted from most of the classes watching and well, this made me want to win so much that I leaned forward too much whilst running and ended up tripping and rolling on the track. I heard loud sighs after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 756
You deserved it 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So that's how you but seriously I hope you are OK and the only thing hurt is pride!


So that's how you but seriously I hope you are OK and the only thing hurt is pride!

whackman56789 7

Is your name Rick? If so then you just brought a whole new meaning to the phrase “Rickrolled” lol 😆😆