By Anonymous - 17/07/2011 20:44 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and swerved to avoid hitting a lizard. I ended up sliding into a bush and skinning myself, only to find my tires had still managed to cut the lizard to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 627
You deserved it 8 870

Same thing different taste


Phew I thought he was going to say he hit the bush and it had a nest if baby birds or eggs. that would have been sad

You poor souls u.u must have really been that lizard's time to go xD

Lizards are fast as hell and have great reflexes, so if you managed to cut it up, it was probably already dead.

gatorgirl7563 22

I see you live in Florida, so do I. Unless you are talking about an alligator or even rarer American Crocodile (they're real. google it) Then what you hit was either an iguana, a tegu, a monitor lizard, or some other species of non-native lizard that is an escape pet. Only the plant-eating iguanas haven't been proven to be harmful to Florida's native wildlife and ecosystem as well as directly dangerous to our pets from seeing them as food. The iguanas, so far, are only a nuisance to landscaping, gardens, and fruit-trees, though they leave smelly poop everywhere that can spread salmonella and are ferocious if cornered. They also love swimming pools as much as we do and have no problem pooping in them. My point is, don't feel too bad about killing the lizard, because it doesn't belong here and was hurting our beautiful state and its wonderful wildlife. You gave it a quick death and you tried hard to prevent it from being hurt in the first place, so you're still a 'good' person.