By Anonymous - 12/09/2012 07:00 - United States - Valencia

Today, I was pulled over. The cop stated that he "couldn't see" me because I had "blended in with the dark car background", and that it looked like no one was driving. I was literally pulled over for being black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 567
You deserved it 4 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously you're a ninja and your camouflage works PERFECTLY. Hey, wait...where did you go?


Zamar_fml 1

The Good: He did'nt get a ticket The Bad: He got pulled over for being black The Ugly: It was during the middle of the day..

Everyone who said that it was racist were probably thinking that it was a white cop

The cop is stupid for thinking he could pull over a car that no one was driving.

ideasrule 13

This is one of the few situations were discrimination is OK. As a police officer, if you see something amiss in a car, it's your responsibility to check it out. If it looks like nobody's driving, that's definitely "something amiss" that should be checked out.

"Hey, no one's driving that car! I bet if I put my lights on it'll pull itself over." No.

What an asshole, sorry that happened to you :(

Rawrrcx 0

How is he an asshole? It was just a mistake.

stevieb123 7

"Stevieb123", slang for "can't spell for shit".

Before you say sue, read a civil law book. You don't need probable cause to stop a vehicle, you need reasonable suspicion. Additionally, there's a traffic violation called "obstructed view." If you can't see the driver, the driver can't see the road. I'm sure the cop was amazingly embarrassed, but what did he take from the OP to check his safety? Five seconds of OPs day.

"stevieb123", slang for "can't spell for shit".

myfamilyisnuts 0

The cop should have driven next to the car and looked in first.