By drewig - 10/05/2010 05:28 - United States
Same thing different taste
By nozVail - 20/11/2015 23:52 - United States
By fuji - 16/10/2018 17:30
By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 04:06 - United States
Alexa, play "Tailights Fade" by Buffalo Tom
By Anonymous - 28/11/2021 13:59 - United States - Fredonia
By Baby driver - 19/10/2024 09:00 - United States - Fulton
By Gg - 23/07/2009 21:19 - United Kingdom
By limpdick9 - 19/11/2014 18:44 - United States - San Francisco
By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States
By ironic driver - 04/09/2011 22:10 - United States
By llostinreality - 30/09/2018 07:00 - United States - Milwaukee
Top comments
what does that have to do with your crappy driving?
OP thought he was being pulled over for bad driving but he was actually pulled over for having a broken tail light. YDI. If you weren't drunk, you wouldn't be volunteering damaging information. Hope you got arrested.
Better yet, beat him to it. Before he has a chance, ask him why you were pulled over.
As a defense lawyer friend of mine always says, "DONT CONFESS!"
what does it matter that it was a female cop?
"Do you know why you were pulled over?" "Yes" "Well, are you going to say it?" "Do you want me to?" "Not really, that's not normal" "I don't care" "No, it's best if you don't" "No, I'm telling" "Please don't" "I will, I don't care" "No, I want to say it" And then at the same time- (You-I've-have-been-a broken-dwiving-taillight-dwunk) And a song-Naaah.
why do cops even ask you why they poles you over
Cops would not assume an "alcohol problem" before issuing a breathalyzer and other tests. This whole thing seems quite unlikely.
oh wait, nevermind, read the FML wrong. You're a ******* moron for driving drunk.
Like Chris Rock says, "when pulled over, SHUT THE **** UP!"
seriously. never admit to anything. talking can only hurt, never help. and don't drive drunk....
y did u say tht? say idk cop cuz im sooo sexy
38, b/c morons like this one fall for it.
Always remember the 5th amendment
play dumb until the end man!
Maybe she didn't notice his crappy driving and pulled him over for the light. He told her about the alcohol problem. I'm guessing he was charged with a DWI.
YDI for leaving trash on your car
wrong fml 32
Don't drink and drive; you might spill the drink.
I always say, "Isn't this just routine?"
61 shut up because there are a lot of female cops who can do the job just as well. Andrea penoyer from police women of broward could probably tackle you easily. I hope you have a run in with one soon so you can see that women can do the job just as well as men can.
just act clueless it works everytime!!!!!!!!!
You so deserve it for driving while you KNOW you're drunk enough to swerve.
Don't drink and drive; you might spill the drink.