By masterzach21 - 22/01/2010 06:25 - United States

Today, I took a picture of my knob on my girlfriend's cell phone and set it as her background without her knowing. Minutes later, I heard her mom scream. She has the same phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 020
You deserved it 41 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jaylinquent 0

maybe she screamed because it was too small

JoshTheMaggot 8

Ydi that is soo funny. but don't do that crap in her moms house. what if she walled in on you taking the pic.


y would ur gf want ur little dick as her background anyway??

JoshTheMaggot 8

Ydi that is soo funny. but don't do that crap in her moms house. what if she walled in on you taking the pic.

JoshTheMaggot 8

damn it my first has been stolen sorry

pipp360 0

she was shrieking out of laughter because his package is so tiny

fmlbtard 0

lolol american pie 5 naked mile.. took a shit in llaundry

MoonyIce 0

Wow. That's tasteless, no matter WHO it was going to. YDI for thinking your girlfriend would want that or think it was funny.

how do u know it wasn't humor, just cause you would get mad doesn't mean she would, still ydi

I would actually enjoy it... But thats just me :3

anela_fml 0
imjustbeth 0
RageYDI 0
razorp 0
jaylinquent 0

maybe she screamed because it was too small

bmxx 0

no if it was too small she woulda laughed, so it had to be like a foot or more long which made her scream

maby she was just shocked cuz it was so small

You're a little bit late with that one . . .

I would be more worried about when she gets over the shock/surprise/nausea? and forwards it to all her mates!!!! (and she will)

SAD! this is funny though. my boyfriend did the same thing to me except he used his own phone and showed me his pictures. but you lol! you knew they have the same phone. YDI