By Beeisc00l - 05/10/2011 18:58 - Reserved
Same thing different taste
What a cozy moment
By ratfaced - 12/10/2017 07:00 - United States - Stamford
By Anonymous - 12/01/2010 07:45 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/12/2009 19:25 - United States
By TheLivingDeadTree - 19/10/2024 13:00 - United States
By Fran - 09/01/2010 08:40 - New Zealand
By Anonymous - 21/07/2023 22:00 - Canada - Halifax
Strange noise
By Anonymous - 22/01/2020 18:00
Law and order
By Anonymous - 01/01/2016 07:03 - United States - Reno
By welp, time to become an assassin - 23/06/2013 18:14 - United States - Rowlett
By bored2death - 23/07/2010 22:15 - United States
Top comments
Ductape solves everything.
What in hell is your picture of?
Its a poptart cat
your picture reminds me of a used tampon...
you awful human being
you awful human being
How do you not know nyan cat o.O??
your an awful person
Duct tape....a guinea pig?....what is wrong with you!
To the ceiling...
My, my, 30! You're learning so fast! Read it again and tell us all about the ******* shit we just read. Please?
To the ceiling!
What the **** is up with your damn picture? You sick twisted son of a bitch.
30-for the most part (minus the guinea pig) sounds like a normal college kid
theres nothing wrong with that at all!
Well because I joke about something, it means that I really plan on doing it? Dear lord, people have no humor here..
I thought everyone knew about Nyan Cat...
Ductape him
Your stupid suggesting that.
Lights and every few seconds BOoobmbobmombOM I NEED A MEDIC! Yeah that will keep you awake.
His guinea pig is smarter than he is!!!
I was 100th repllier
Maybe you should have more concern for your pet's health. Would you be so different if it was making noise all night?
I'd put it outside ...
Why the **** would I get a pet that did annoying shit all night? Either I would let it outside and hope it gets its annoying ass away from me, and secondly it's a ******* guinea pig, they don't live that Long and aren't very intelligent, so why the **** would I let it dictate my bedtime?? Exactly. I wouldn't that little ****** had better hope it shuts the hell up if I was trying to get shit done like play video games or watch tv when I goddamn felt like it. Or OP could wear headphones :) teehee
218- one of my guinea pigs just died... At the "not so long" age of 11. They do live a long time and they're smart, diurnal (like humans), and vocal. This isn't a night-owl, crazy dog barking at backyard animals. (no offense dog owners) this is an animal who was trying to sleep. He was pissed in the same way you would be pissed if your neighbors were screaming at the tops of their lungs outside of your bedroom window at 2 am.
guinea pigs are skittery, squealing, annoying *****. rats hardly ever make noise, run out of the cage to spend time with you when you open the door, and can be trained to use a litterbox and come when you call. hell, i play fetch with one of my rats.
Rodents actually do not smell if you clean their bedding regularly enough. And even if you don't clean it for a while, it smells a hell of a lot better than cat shit in a litter box.
Me too, they have the cutest little personalities ^^
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayJust because he's staying up late playing a video game? Does it say anywhere that this is a nightly occurrence or that he's been playing all day? He could have a day off coming up. While I admit that there's nothing to say he does have a life, there's also no cause to jump to the conclusion he doesn't.
Damn, you're ******* retarded. Gamers do have lives.
How do video games dictate wether you have no life or not? Please explain.
178 it depends how active your guild membership is.
Ydi 4 having a guinea pig
Get rid of it?
Well if OP has a problem with it why keep it?
Its' something called love.
I'm just saying if OP felt the need to post an FML about it, then that seemed like a solution. And dogs and guinea pigs are much different.
How is possible to be too old to own a guinea pig?
How is it possible to be too old to own a guinea pig?
How is it possible to be too old to own a guinea pig?
50, what? I couldn't hear you.
Ok ok u guys have enlightened me
If that was my guinea pig, i would have ensured that it shut the **** up. Haha by putting it in a different room, wearing headphones, getting the fick over it, getting a girlfriend perhaps
Sorry app messed up
Your pet only has the best intentions lol
YDI for playing so long it even freaks out a guinea pig, as well as for having a guinea pig on the age of 20.
Theres an age limit to what animal we can get? Also, for gamers, some free time = play time...

Rodents do know best
Guinea pigs need sleep too!