By Lyingg - 05/10/2011 20:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a job interview. The only moment I impressed the interviewer was when I talked about drama. He started to talk about a play I hadn't seen, but I decided to agree on everything he was saying. Suddenly he said, "the play doesn't actually exist." I silently left the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 238
You deserved it 38 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments


i would have laughed in her face for looking stupid lol complete ydi

enonymous 8

Silently like a ninja with the smoke grenade exit? If so that act alone would make me want to hire you

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

That's why you don't lie during an interview.

In my opinion op hasn't even started the corporate chain but already is willing to do anything, including lying to the interviewer, to get what she/he wants. A true ******* modern business person.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

That's true; business is like that. And who hasn't said "oh yeah, I know what you're talking about" when really they didn't? It happens...

It's not as effective as "Oh I don't know about that one yet" and then asking questions about it. Much better to show your interest in furthering your knowledge base instead of just being a sheep to be led.

Or just say "Oh, I didn't hear of that one yet" and then ask questions about it. Much better to show that you are interesting in furthering your knowledge rather than just being a sheep to be led.

missL1z 5

A study has shown that 80% of the people have lied during an interview.

10 - You just contradicted yourself. If it works all the time, then it'd be 100%

Llama_Face89 33

Should have just told him that you weren't familiar with that particular play. It's always good to be honest in a job interview.

HahaYDI 0
Llama_Face89 33

61- Because I totally know OP and could have told them beforehand...yea. Besides that SHOULD be common sense.

Save_Bandit 5

Seriously... you could've just said "You know, I've never seen or heard of that one but is it any good?" or something like that