By Anonymous - 05/10/2014 17:04 - United States - Louisville

Today, I woke up to a mouse sitting on my pillow and chewing on my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 637
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mouse: Oh you're awake. Go back to sleep. It's all going to be okay. *caresses hair*

jstorie95 8

Bet that was a nice surprise to wake up to


jstorie95 8

Bet that was a nice surprise to wake up to

that would've ruined the rest of my day...

ChristianH39 30

My girlfriend saw a mouse in her apartment and called me crying.. I think if this happened she'd have had a stroke.

That's disturbing on so many levels... Time to get some mouse traps OP. I went through a similar thing before and have been terrified ever since

lol afraid of an adorable tiny baby rodent?

Otaku31 19

I think mice are cute...and rats..I even had a pet rat! I mean now do I want some mouse that isn't mine In my bed, chewing on my hair? No. but I'm not going to kill it. It's a living creature too, its not like It truly meant any harm to you.

Razi_tail 25

43 I have three pet rats and love them! The problem with having a wild mouse in your home is that they can cause a lot of damage. I am glad that it was suggested to use traps instead of poison though. Traps are quick and instant whereas poison is a slower and extremely painful death.

Whats wrong with making a new friend? :p

That mouse would have a .50 caliber sized hole in it and I would be getting a hair cut and a new mattress.

No compensation needed here! I just like to make sure what I shoot stops in its tracks.

Mouse: Oh you're awake. Go back to sleep. It's all going to be okay. *caresses hair*

... Treat as spider and time to burn the house.

Razi_tail 25

I hate that joke. Killing things with fire is horrible. I just don't get the humor in it.

It's probably time to clean your house..

TanzWolf 26

Not clever enough to make a ratty hair joke...

I hair puns for this situation are hard to come by. I nearly had one, but it just squeaked by.

katydid91 31

That mouse thinks he owns the house!