By MafiaWarsWidow - 05/02/2010 01:35 - Australia

Today, I was on the phone to my boyfriend in England. I live in Australia. What did he talk about for 15 minutes straight? Mafia Wars on Facebook and how far he had got. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 442
You deserved it 5 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're in a long distance relationship, do you guys speak on the phone alot or was it your first time? maybe the guy was just extremely shy and couldnt get a conversation going

Crush89 0

he must really like you if he is sharing that


I think u having a long distance relationship s worse than him talkn bout mafia wars. how pathetic OP

boatkicker 4

Nothing wrong with a long distance relationship. I was long distance for a year and a half with the man I am now engaged to (and now living with.) Although, geographically, we were closer to each other than OP and her boyfriend. At least we didn't have international phone fees. OP: next time, find a way to change the subject. There's always a way.

SelenaMilkshake 17

I don't see the problem here...I'm also in a long distance relationship and it's been over a year and we're going strong. I don't really think this is an fml. My boyfriend and I will talk about games for hours and he'll explain entire plot lines to me. I once spent 2 hours explaining the mechanics of competitive Pokemon training to him. Sharing stuff like this is how you learn the interests of your partner.

Tell your friends I said that they suck. Minesweeper and solitaire are ****** awesome.

tell him to add me: jimmyhoffa's mask thanks OP. don't be selfish about this.

if he's dating long distance he obviously doesn't leave the house enough to have anything worth saying. fml for reading this at 3:30am.

SelenaMilkshake 17

That's definitely not true. I'm in a long distance relationship with a healthy social life. I'm also an avid gamer. Don't let stereotypes fool you.

mafia wars is fun but not worth talking about to your long distance bf/gf...

anela_fml 0

long distance sucks that's what you get when you can't share daily life face to face

Well at least he didn't talk about his new girlfriend.

would you rather he talks about the girls in England with you? cause there's not much boys wanna talk about besieds games and girls.

lol!!! I agree with #4 100%! when ur long distance relationship goes askew it's time to call it off. or hang up in this case.

long distance is the wrong distance. shut it down. dealbreaker.