By Parade - 28/02/2011 06:00 - United States

Today, I was on the bus, it hit a bump on the road and made me hit a elderly man. The bus driver thought I did it on purpose and made me get off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 881
You deserved it 3 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A bump made you hit someone? Please, you were just looking for an excuse to slap the old nuttsack.

memo619 0

it'd be funnier if the old man punched you back


Why were you holding your fist up next to an old man anyway?

You should have made it worth getting kicked off my yelling something like, "...and that's why you m

GallifreyDog 2

YDI for being a crazy bitch who hits old people. Seriously, don't blame it on the speed bumps. We know you're just trying to hide your constant urge to hit the elderly in the face.

emodude44 0

Get off on the bus? IN PUBLIC! That driver was a sick, sick man...

Picking_Kuppies 0

"a elderly man"? At least the elderly man knows when to use 'A' and 'AN' correctly. YDI for not knowing basic English.

>New York >Public transportation bigsurprise.jpg

YayaInLalaLand 0

I can slightly understand that. You were most likely trying to catch your balance. I hope you apologized to the man before you got off, though.

I had to read this a few times to understand that you didn't hit him with a bus.