By insignificant - 29/10/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, I was getting on a bus, the driver shut the door on me while I was half way inside. Instead of apologizing to me, he criticized me for getting in the way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 937
You deserved it 3 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could phone up the bus company and complain about the driver's rudeness. There should be a phone number in the bus stop.

I just noticed the OP's name "insignificant (woman)". +1 to the bus driver


You could phone up the bus company and complain about the driver's rudeness. There should be a phone number in the bus stop.

Stupid OP. He did not criticise you for getting in the way, he CURSED AT you for getting in the way. Criticism means something very different. But then again, OP is a woman and trying to sound smart for using "big" words.

cyanide_dreamer 0

If only there was a button for that. Oh wait ...

I've seen something like this once, but it was an old lady who got herself stuck on the train's automatic door :3 Because of her, the alarm went off! And it can be pretty embarassing, yeah?

youthink_fml 0

Maybe you should move your ass and keep moving.

what you expected a bus driver to apologize lmao?!

crymeariver1984 0

Who gives a shit!That's not a FML, that's a WLB (Whining Little Bitch).

sorry I was on my iPhone so I apologise for not being first. :)

jchansfan 0