By divineinstrument - 12/07/2009 14:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent hours and hours trying to figure out why the wireless internet on my laptop wasn't working, but everything I tried completely failed. At the end of the day, my older brother came home, and fixed the problem in under 10 seconds by turning the wireless internet switch on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 604
You deserved it 58 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ummmm really if you know enough about computers to spend "hours and hours" trying to figure out why the wireless internet isn't working then you should know enough to check if it's on or off. Isn't that fairly easy to discover? I mean, I have a MacBook and it shows right at the top of the screen if my wireless is on or off. I'm sorry but this has to be a YDI for a total "here's your sign" moment

Well, windows is pretty unclear and if the guy was used to using a desktop where there's no switch he could be pretty confused. I remember it took me a while to figure out about the wireless switch in the first laptop I had with one.


ummmm really if you know enough about computers to spend "hours and hours" trying to figure out why the wireless internet isn't working then you should know enough to check if it's on or off. Isn't that fairly easy to discover? I mean, I have a MacBook and it shows right at the top of the screen if my wireless is on or off. I'm sorry but this has to be a YDI for a total "here's your sign" moment

lexilovesyou 0

Samee! Just yesterday I had the same problem and I called my boyfriend & he came over and fixed it haha!(: I felt like a complete idiot Lol

AnaMaree 0

Blonde moments happen to everyone.

bskballa92 0

lexilovesyou, let's reply to the first one to get our comment read....

YDI for using a PC. And all, yes it's a PC, Macs don't have a stupid wireless switch. Let the negative voting begin.

Win. Pure win. I registered because of your amazing comment. Macs FTW

OliviaNicole 5

I agree with te above, the reason this sucks is because your using a PC, not because your blonde.

Theatregeek788 0

Macs are pretty inferior to PCs for anything other than art

smileygirl123 0

ur soo stupid hahahahaha its ok though hahah :)

wolfgirl_fml 0

Don't feel bad, I had the same thing happen to me the other day.

Me too! Once I figured out what had happened I felt like the biggest idiot on the world!

Well, windows is pretty unclear and if the guy was used to using a desktop where there's no switch he could be pretty confused. I remember it took me a while to figure out about the wireless switch in the first laptop I had with one.

vvvalori 0

way to go. At least your brother wasn't under 10...that would just be sad. YDI, tech-master

Its ok, i did this the first time it happened it me, it took 3 people to figure it out. you will know for next time though

girandwogpig 0

....says the person who doesn't know how to spell "retarded" Better yet, says the person who is making fun of someone with a mental illness they can't help You sir, are "retarted"