People have lists?!

By Anonymous - 22/09/2020 07:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I found my girlfriend's list of people she's slept with on her Google docs. There was 11 names after mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 927
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's making a list of who she needs to notify about STI's, with a list like that.

Just ask her don't assume she's cheating ☺️


Maybe they are not listed in chronological order -- perhaps they are listed by quality. I don't know how many total names are on the list, but you can rest assured you are the twelfth worst she ever had.

Just ask her don't assume she's cheating ☺️

Maybe she's making a list of who she needs to notify about STI's, with a list like that.

CA91 9

maybe they are in alphabetical order?

Right. The most recent goes on the top. what's your issue??

Nic1330 5

time to start sleeping with other people so you can catch up

randybryant799 20

How do you know what order they were in?

randybryant799 20

How do you even know what order they were in,?