When people pleasing goes too far

By Maya R - 21/04/2023 09:30 - India - Delhi

Today, I had to break up with a friend who I couldn't tolerate as a boyfriend. I don't know if the reason was physical unattractiveness, bad body odour, or a forced relationship. The reason I said yes was I didn't want to lose a friend at workplace. I don't know why I had an aversion from him as a boyfriend. I hated it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 260
You deserved it 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoulderDashTank19141 6

I don’t understand? You a pick a boyfriend you don’t like?

You should've been honest or at least have tried to turn him down gently. "I don't date people I work with, as a rule." Or something like that. If you lost him as a friend, then he was never your friend. You should not have put yourself through that as it has made you seem like a push-over. Be more assertive and more honest in future.


You should've been honest or at least have tried to turn him down gently. "I don't date people I work with, as a rule." Or something like that. If you lost him as a friend, then he was never your friend. You should not have put yourself through that as it has made you seem like a push-over. Be more assertive and more honest in future.

I tried to date my ugly smelly friend and I hated him... sounds like FHL...

BoulderDashTank19141 6

I don’t understand? You a pick a boyfriend you don’t like?

I've done this, thinking that maybe I'll get over it and I'm being too judgy. It usually takes about 6 months to come to the inevitable truth, we are who we are.