By Cellphonetroubles - 19/11/2009 07:36 - Canada

Today, I was laughing at a story of a girl who had dropped her cellphone in a hottub and ruined it. As I was feeling pretty good about myself, I then realized that my cellphone was in the pocket of a sweater that I had just thrown in the washer 20 minutes prior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 673
You deserved it 48 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

as i was laughing at your story, my cellphone fell into my chicken noodle soup. fml. :(

You really should check all pockets before doing laundry.


I moderated this, I voted no. Sorry for all the people who had to endure the torture of listening to this stupid, pointless story. And sorry to the OP for laying it out like it is.

XaosZaleski 0

Well...I kinda have boobs >.> Helpful? Meh...sometimes ;) Only for you two, Toxi and Mercy. Perdix needs to find some for himself :D

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

ahaha...karma? or fate? I think it's a win! sucks for youzzzz!

xxxNataliexxx 0

Your dumb if I was I would ask to see it then laugh at you about it

avfcfan89 0

Karma's a bitch. Like what are u 10, I don't find a girl dropping her phone in a hot tub funny.

Power off, battery out - into a bag of rice for a few days!

Many people treated that person who dropped it in the tub like crap. Why would you ever think anybody'll be more sympathetic to you? Karma sucks but you have to realize that YDI.