By tmac - 04/04/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. I automatically dove my hand in and ran out of the stall with it. As I dried it, some girls were laughing. I assumed that they were laughing because my phone fell in the toilet. Then I noticed my pants were still down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 084
You deserved it 43 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...... how would you even be able to 'run' with your pants down and not notice. ydiydiydi

because i can totally walk when my pants are around my ankles....


Oh, they would've been laughing at both. =]

...... how would you even be able to 'run' with your pants down and not notice. ydiydiydi

YDI Grow a brain and put the phone away when you're in the bathroom. Sick.

phones do fall out of pockets, especially back pockets. just because her phone fell in the toilet doesn't automatically mean she was on it while using the toilet.

because i can totally walk when my pants are around my ankles....

lol why did you have your phone out anyway? And now can ou not notice pants round your ankles? Dumb ass lol

Running with your pants pulled down is both tricky and awkward, you've gotta teach me how to do that without being aware of it. That's amazing. Well... on second thought, don't.

Hmm, reading this I'm happy that I wear dresses/skirts almost every day