By Cellphonetroubles - 19/11/2009 07:36 - Canada

Today, I was laughing at a story of a girl who had dropped her cellphone in a hottub and ruined it. As I was feeling pretty good about myself, I then realized that my cellphone was in the pocket of a sweater that I had just thrown in the washer 20 minutes prior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 673
You deserved it 48 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

as i was laughing at your story, my cellphone fell into my chicken noodle soup. fml. :(

You really should check all pockets before doing laundry.


joemk2012 0

When it says "clean up inbox" it doesn't mean put it through the washer

ouch but ive heard something like this before

pwnage79 0

omfg! the fyl's say 1337!!! today is going good :D

hahahahahah mercy, toxi and everyone else bahahaahaha I wish you kept it going :(

I was laughing in bed about your boss breaking your phone when my little cousin snatched my phone off me and then used my $2000 guitar as a baseball bat to hit it into my $10000 flat screen tv just because he wanted to be like Spongebob