By EFFED4LIFE - 11/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I was late to school for the third time this week because my alarm clock didn't go off. I clearly remembered setting it, so I videotaped myself sleeping. It turns out I've been turning off my alarm clock in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 094
You deserved it 13 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

I do that ALL the time. What you need to do is set the one by your bed (the one I assume you are turning off), and then set another one across the room about five minutes later so you have to get up and turn it off. Between the two of them and having to walk across the room, it should wake you up. If it doesn't, set another across the room.


monkeyshorts22 4

I do that too, every day!!! solution: setultiple alarms on your phone.

I set an alarm at max volume, set it into a safe, and then close my eyes while setting the passcode.

jensen21 19

I do that too. I started using my phone alarm instead since it has a passcode.

adelaide_evening 0

I do that ALL the time. What you need to do is set the one by your bed (the one I assume you are turning off), and then set another one across the room about five minutes later so you have to get up and turn it off. Between the two of them and having to walk across the room, it should wake you up. If it doesn't, set another across the room.

curryndricegirll 0

I do the same thing! Actually, I posted the same FML earlier, but it got moderated. Anyway, so this got to the point where I set five alarms a few minutes apart and manged to turn them all off in my sleep. Finally, I changed the sound of the alarm and I woke up in one ring...until I got accustomed to the sound again. So just regularly change the sound and the mechanism in which you turn it off.

woopsy 0

I've never gone that far, but the "Alarm on the other side of the room" bit is useful, even for those of us that just go back to sleep.

I've heard of people setting the alarm in the bathroom and have the day's clothing ready next to the shower. When they wake up, it's easy to just hop straight in. Haven't tried it myself.

ruby2shoe123 0

it's uber easy and you can sleep in longer two win win

Get a sleep study. I have the exact same problem (I have 8 alarms and sometimes turn them all off) so I am getting one done soon. The doctor said it could be something called Delayed Sleep Phase, or even sleep apnea.

adelaide_evening 0

#7, I thought sleep apnea was when you stopped breathing during your sleep? Does that affect turning alarm clocks off? (not sarcasm, I really wanna know)

Sweej 1

You're right, sleep apnea is when one stops breathing, or has trouble breathing during sleep. It can sometimes be fatal. #7 doesn't know what he's talking about.

azouwa 26

yes. you're right. sleep apnea is when you stop breathing during sleep however it does affect your sleep. you sleep so poorly that you don't get your required rest. I can see someone with sleep apnea turning an alarm off and not remembering...

th3wh1tee 0

After you are done setting your alarm clock, bolt it to the wall and make sure you can't unplug it and then put it in a cage with a poisonous rattle snake =D

It happens to many people. Try putting your alarm clock somewhere in the room so you need to get up to turn it off. Or get one with snooze function, or this funny thing which can run away from you.