
By Noname - 11/03/2009 06:04 - United States

Today, I went on my porch for a late night cigarette. When I opened the door and took one step inside, all I remember is a big thud. I woke up 5 minutes later with my father over top of me saying, "Nice right hook, huh?" Then he chuckled. He thought I was a burglar and he knocked me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 458
You deserved it 9 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have an awesome dad. Be proud of that. Be a little ashamed that he made you his bitch though.

Well at least you know your dad ain't a bitch :d


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tell ronnie you got knocked the **** out!!!

smokey the bear. chew so you don't **** up others. even that's bad. douchefuck

There is definitely a point trying to be made by smoking OP. :( It won't only be your face that gets hurt by smoking!

RT_fml 0

Musta been a good shot hah getting knocked out by your dad, ouch.

Well at least you know your dad ain't a bitch :d

You have an awesome dad. Be proud of that. Be a little ashamed that he made you his bitch though.

Is your name Laurie? Because your dad's the Comedian!

Owned by your dad, you must feel so small xD