By EFFED4LIFE - 11/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I was late to school for the third time this week because my alarm clock didn't go off. I clearly remembered setting it, so I videotaped myself sleeping. It turns out I've been turning off my alarm clock in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 091
You deserved it 13 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

I do that ALL the time. What you need to do is set the one by your bed (the one I assume you are turning off), and then set another one across the room about five minutes later so you have to get up and turn it off. Between the two of them and having to walk across the room, it should wake you up. If it doesn't, set another across the room.


glockperfection 0

hahahaha! that happens to me a few times a month

ellebell 0

you should put your alarm across the room and up high on a shelf

happens to me all the time. not fml enough.

Go to thinkgeek and buy one of those alarm clocks that you have to chase to turn off. Hilarious, and you'll never have to worry about setting it off in your sleep!

pltcllyincorrect 0

i'm with you on that one! i do this all the time. i back up all the comments saying to set it across the room. this won't help you with your alarm, but assuming that you have issues being tired in the morning.. when you DO wake up, try turning your room light on immediatly. it helps you wake up faster!

_Elizabeth_ 0

Wow, that's crazy. It's your subconscious letting you get more sleep. Hahahaha.

I do that too. I have my clock across my room, I get up to press snooze, and I do it again 9 minutes later. Sometimes I don't even remember doing it the first time.

Hahahaha, I do the same exact thing. I set two alarms on opposite sides of the room now.

pinkpikachu 0

Haha I feel better knowing other people do this too. At least you didn't miss an exam. =)