Well read

By Anonymous - 13/10/2021 05:00

Today, I vented to someone about being left on read by someone else, and they left me on read as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 621
You deserved it 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to be honest. This idea that we need to respond to everything immediately bothers me a lot. Sometimes I'll glance at something while at work, in the middle of something, etc, just because the notification popped up, but I don't have the time to reply. You're not owed an immediate response to anything, short of a face to face conversation (and even then they are within their rights to say, "Hey let me think about it/get back to you!"

What’s the duration of wait time that classifies it as ‘left on read’ ?


Tell me about it I hate being left on read it’s so rude

What’s the duration of wait time that classifies it as ‘left on read’ ?

george1986 7

oh well. Maybe they were at work, busy with kids, or in a class. I've done it several times then will be on my phone later and respond back. idk if this is a re-occurring issue or not but if it is they are trying to give you hint

Hey, I just read your story and all I want to say is... ...wait on it... ...

I'm going to be honest. This idea that we need to respond to everything immediately bothers me a lot. Sometimes I'll glance at something while at work, in the middle of something, etc, just because the notification popped up, but I don't have the time to reply. You're not owed an immediate response to anything, short of a face to face conversation (and even then they are within their rights to say, "Hey let me think about it/get back to you!"