By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I was kneeling down at work to do some cleaning. My co-worker said, "Oh don't your knees hurt, kneeling like that for so long?" Without thinking how it sounded, I said, "Oh no, it's not a problem. I'm on my knees all the time." He's yet to stop hitting on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 017
You deserved it 49 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

well, you kinda asked for that one.

mcsnelly 5

Okay yeah that sounded really bad but everyone's said something without thinking about it and it sounded DEFINITELY don't deserve to be hit on constantly just because you made a slip up like that!


"I used to clean houses for a long time. So I used to be on my knees a lot" idk just trying to help. Good luck!