By LaineyLove - 09/05/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. For the past year, my stomach would get upset every time I ate. Attempting to ease the pain, I would always eat a piece of bread. My doctor told me I have Celiac disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten. I'm allergic to bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 8 209

LaineyLove tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the FML. I'll clear some things up for those of you who think I deserved it. The FMLs have to be short so I couldn't write the whole story. My main symptoms were severe joint and muscle pain along with cramping and headaches. The stomach pain was constant, not just when I ate bread. I had a hard time even digesting vegetables. I went to doctors practically every week and scoured the internet. I was finally "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia and IBS. My first Celiac blood test came back negative, but finally my gastroenterologist figured it out. I'm now gluten-free, and I'm feeling much better (although hungry). And I'm a pre-med student, so I'm not an idiot. I saw at least 5 different doctors and specialists. I even went to Mayo Clinic. Celiac can be a very difficult diagnosis as the symptoms are often non-specific. Thanks for all the tips on gluten-free food. It's time for me to start cooking!

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!


Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!

erika_lynnex 1

sorry to comment at the top but it's Celiacs with an s. I have it too and trust me it sucks but it's not FML worthy.

ieatunicorn4fun 7

I have something like that :D we feel your pain

zurisbloodyrose 0

I have Celiac. It sucks. But gluten free food has gotten a lot better since I was diagnosed.

Nonexistentguy 7

And yet everything gluten free is deliberately overpriced because people like OP have no choice but to buy that type of food

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Lasagnaa 24

You waited for an entire year before you went to see a doctor?! I would've went after a week or 2 if I was in pain after every meal!!

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No #4. It is spelled Celiac. My boyfriend has it. O.P. it does suck that you have it, but my boyfriend can still eat mostly the same things, with all the gluten free versions of food out there. The bad news is, they can sneak gluten into everything. So be super careful and read every ingredient. Companies really should be required to have a "contains: gluten, soy, etc." at the bottom of the ingredients list. and have good information about Celiac

gtheemo 0

No its not, its celiac. I have had it my whole life. like as in the past 20 years.

yeah dude your dumb. my best friend has diabetes and celiac, so she really has to be careful and keep track of what she eats.

Coeliacchic93 21

It's coeliac in the UK and celiac in other places. Different countries spell words differently.

that roomate also has a sensitivity to gluten...she gets loopy whenever she eats it haha...its kinda funny the way she acts....its not that bad to be allergic to gluten...gluten-free pasta is actually really good! :D

mcsnelly 5

this really sucks i'm sorry....(i dont think i could give up

im also allergic to gluten it sucks

Okay, this is NOT a FML. I know somebody who has this, and she says it's not that bad. There is gluten-free stuff, so seriously just stop whining.

Two of my best friends actually have this, the good news is there's all kinds of stuff that's gluten-free now. Pick up 'The Gluten-Free Bible' ( and you'll have a great place to start.

You poor thing! That sucks. I've also heard the gluten free bible is a good cookbook for that. I also have a friend who's grandma makes chocolate chip cookies out of meringue instead of flour.

lmmmr 0

YDI for letting it go on for a year without at least looking your symptoms up online and putting two and two together. Come on. That being said, living gluten-free is great. You're forced to be aware of what you're putting into your body, and will be so so SO much healthier for it.

it's not that easy to diagnose smart ass spesh co it takes hours to affect u after u eat it, it doesn't just happen straight away and the op could have underlying medical issues that made the docs think she had something else like an ulcer or something id hardly say the op deserves it