By f*ckingdisgusted - 27/08/2011 01:13 - United States

Today, I was installing updates on my 16 year old daughter's laptop, when I got the urge to snoop around. I found a 5,000 word sex story involving her and the Edward and Jacob weirdos from the Twilight movies. I can't even look her in the eyes. I can't believe I raised this freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 690
You deserved it 56 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! Don't go snoop around her stuff! But that is weird...


EnEl_Infierno 15

Go Team Alice! She's the only reason worth watching those stupid movies.

ReynshineCutting 10

I've always been Team Jasper myself lol, but that goes hand in hand with Team Alice.

namhowell 6

You're the ******* freak you nasty ass parent.

well, it's better than finding nude pictures... of her.

YDI for snooping around in your daughter's laptop, but FYL for having a crazed twilight fan living at home with you, then again she's entitled to her own opinions, so yeah. But while you're at it, might as well tweak around with her story >:) sad our generation will be known as the people obsessed with sparkling vampires that debated whether Bella Swan should choose between ********** or necrophilia. Oh well I won't critize, I too was a crazed twilight fan for a while :P

keshaforever1 14

Eww I bet you read all of it!Sick pervert it's HER shit don't go messing around in HER SHIT okay?Would you like her finding your PlayBoy magazines??No!

I wish I could thumb down this comment twenty more times.

Hmm, coming from a person with the username of "keshaforever1," I should expect such madness to come out of her mouth.

keshaforever1 14

Lol I made this account when I was bored and didn't really know what to put for usernames and I liked Kesha and stuff so yea

^ I wish I could thumb down that comment 20 times as well!

sarahmd 0

You shouldn't have snooped, sir. It's an invasion of privacy.

MsMeiriona 2

She's 16, legally she owns nothing. Legally, it's his/his spouse's property. Just putting that out there.

Twilight fangirls are so damn annoying -__-

KasaraEm13 12

You deserve it for snooping. Not that I approve of the content you found, but if you're gonna poke around people's private files, be prepared to find some freaky-ass stuff.