
By Snooper - 16/03/2022 18:00

Today, I attempted to snoop around my daughter’s room, because I suspect her of having sex with her boyfriend behind my back. Hoping to find the evidence, I went to her room as soon as she left for school. Turns out she rigged her bedroom door. With glitter. Uh oh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 242
You deserved it 2 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you want her to have sex in front of you? Be happy she does it behind your back.

That's honestly creepy. Are you a religious fanatic that heavily intrudes on your child's life? The most you should ask for is for her to be smart and use protection.


Do you want her to have sex in front of you? Be happy she does it behind your back.

Play creepy controlling games, win creepy controlling prizes

That's honestly creepy. Are you a religious fanatic that heavily intrudes on your child's life? The most you should ask for is for her to be smart and use protection.

So why don’t you simply ask her? My god, when I suspected my kids may be having sex, I sat down with them and asked them, instead of invading their privacy. Guess what, I was not lied to either, they either said yes or no.

Vesi 29

Teenagers are going to have sex. Deal with it like an adult. TEACH her how to protect herself from pregnancy and STDs, even supply condoms as needed. Education is needed, not trying to force abstinence. It will never work.

ydi. if she's gonna have sex, she's gonna have sex regardless of what you want and she will find a way. you know this, you used to be a teen. maybe have a safety talk with her and make sure she's being safe. and confess your snooping sin and apologize profusely

slkeithh 14

Wrong place to post this, bud. You're a terrible person and an even worse parent. YDI.